Entries by Ayo Oluyemi


Basin Electric Power Cooperative and ENGIE North America announce 200 MW power purchase agreement for new South Dakota wind project

ENGIE North America (ENGIE) and Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) announced they have entered into a 25-year, 200 megawatt (MW) Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) from ENGIE’s North Bend Wind project located in Hughes and Hyde counties in South Dakota. The output from North Bend, which is expected to become operational in late 2023, will […]

ENGIE Energy Marketing to Establish a New Class of Technology-based Carbon Credits attributed to Carbon Sequestration

Key Highlights: ENGIE Energy Marketing NA, Inc and BKV Corporation will develop a framework and marketing program to develop a new product for an emerging U.S. market on Carbon Credits associated with measured Carbon Sequestration. Project Canary, the independent data and analysis provider, will reconcile sensing technologies and measure, analyze, and report the environmental attributes […]


ENGIE celebrates 20 years as U.S. Energy Retailer

Two decades of growth from startup to America’s Energy Greentailer™ serving approximately 50,000 customers in 14 states. ENGIE Resources LLC, a subsidiary of ENGIE North America Inc., is celebrating its 20th anniversary as a retail energy provider serving more than 50,000 commercial, industrial, and institutional customers in the U.S. Since its founding in 2002, ENGIE Resources […]


ENGIE Leads Microgrid Development for California Customers

Transition from traditional back-up power solutions to cleaner, healthier, and more intelligent systems is becoming easier and attainable for schools, cities and counties.   HOUSTON – ENGIE North America (ENGIE) today announced it has extended the scope of their microgrid offerings with their latest installation at the Santa Barbara Unified School District. As power outages […]

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Chula Vista Elementary School District Unveils $32M Solar and Microgrid Project with ENGIE

Improvements are expected to save the District more than $70 million in net electricity costs over the next 25 years. Chula Vista, Calif. and HOUSTON – Chula Vista Elementary School District and ENGIE North America (ENGIE) today announced the completion of the District’s solar project. The District now has 8.1 megawatts of solar installed across […]


Grossmont Union High School District announced its new Transportation Services Center.

We had a very exciting opportunity to support @GrossmontUHSD’s recent ribbon cutting to unveil the District’s new Transportation Services Center as part of our larger clean energy project together. The Transportation Services Center integrates state-of-the-art facility and infrastructure upgrades that are helping Grossmont transition to an all-electric bus fleet – with 17 new electric buses […]