Be the reliable source of sustainable energy your communities can depend on. Municipally owned utilities and rural electric cooperatives often rely on expensive grid power. ENGIE helps you generate your own renewable energy to reduce costs and improve reliability.
Aerial Solar Field Trees

Distributed Solar Generation 

Deploy solar PV with no upfront costs. Replace grid power, increase renewable energy, and save money for ratepayers.

Holyoke Battery Storage Solar

Battery Energy Storage

Cut costs and improve resiliency with battery energy storage systems (BESS). Reserve energy for peak hours and avoid surcharges.

Aerial Warehouse Solar Field Trucks

Integrated Solar and Energy Storage

Combine solar and energy storage to cut costs and provide renewable power. Use self-generated power to avoid expensive grid power.

Simple and affordable energy infrastructure

ENGIE manages the solar and storage infrastructure from design and build through ongoing operations. Your staff can continue to focus on providing stellar customer service. ENGIE’s comprehensive approach includes:

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Needs Assessment keyboard_arrow_down
Analyze power use patterns and peak 
demand surcharges.

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Incentive applicationskeyboard_arrow_down
Identify and apply for grants and incentives.

Financial icon

Provide upfront capital for solar PV
and BESS.

Holistic Design con

Holistic designkeyboard_arrow_down
Design optimal systems for your needs.

Implement Setting icon

Manage construction with performance-based contracts.

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Ongoing O&Mkeyboard_arrow_down
Handle operations, maintenance, 
and upgrades.

Take control of your energy costs

For 50 years, ENGIE has helped public and private organizations reduce dependence on expensive grid power. Let us help you keep rates low for your customers.

Holyoke Gas & Electric
“Keeping local electric rates affordable, with sustainable energy”
— 5.7 MW solar array and 3 MW/6 MWh-AC battery energy storage on the site of a decommissioned coal-fired plant
United Power Cooperative
“Saving $1M annually for customers with peak demand shaving”
— 4 MW/18 MWh battery energy storage system, one of the largest in Colorado at the time
New Hampshire Electric Co-op
“Saving members $2.3 million over 12 years”
— 2 MW solar and 2.45 MW/4.9 MWh storage enables peak demand shaving
Holyoke Gas And Electric Logo
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[Battery storage] will produce peak demand and asset management benefits that will help HG&E stabilize electric rates over the long term. This project also adds a measure of resiliency to our local grid.”
Jim Lavelle
Manager, Holyoke Gas & Electric
New Hampshire Electric Coo Op Logo
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We are excited to make significant progress on our strategic vision through this innovative partnership with ENGIE, which will provide benefits to all NHEC’s members.”
Steve Camarino
President and CEO, New Hampshire Electric Cooperative

Reduce costs and enhance reliability for your customers

No matter the size of your utility or co-op, sustainable, resilient, and affordable energy is within reach. Contact ENGIE today to discover how.
