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ENGIE supports Walmart’s goal of becoming a totally renewable business with three wind projects

Date: 04/29/2021

ENGIE North America is now delivering power to Walmart through our innovative virtual renewable power purchase agreements (VPPAs). Signed during the past three years in support of more than 500 MW of Walmart’s renewable energy needs in multiple US energy markets, the commencement of these VPPAs is a key element of Walmart’s progress toward its goal of zero emissions from its own operations by 2040.


Under the agreements, Walmart is purchasing 166 MW from ENGIE’s Prairie Hill project in Texas and 200 MW from ENGIE’s King Plains project in Oklahoma, where construction completed in late 2020. The energy produced annually matches to portions of electricity load in Walmart stores, Sam’s Clubs, and distribution centers throughout parts of the ERCOT and Southwest Power Pool markets. 

In addition, ENGIE North America will provide 150 MW from its 2020 commissioned Triple H wind project in South Dakota, which brings the combined agreements between Walmart and ENGIE North America to more than 500 MW.  

“This is a powerful collaboration because it allows us to purchase offsite power from three separate windfarms in Texas, Oklahoma, and South Dakota. Together, these facilities are expected to help avoid as much as 1.3 million tons of CO2e of greenhouse gas emissions per year,” said Mark Vanderhelm, Vice President of Energy and Facilities for Walmart Inc.* 

The three projects supported more than 1,000 construction jobs at their peak and are expected to deliver more than $400 million in landowner lease payments, taxes, wages, and donations over the life of the projects. 

Reflecting on the impact to local economy, Vanderhelm said, “Beyond being better for the planet, these facilities also provide more direct benefits by creating local opportunity. They support employment ecosystems all of their own.” 

“We are delighted that our renewable power agreements from these three projects are directly meeting Walmart’s growing needs and expanding our relationship across the country in creative ways,” said Laura Beane, Chief Renewables Officer of ENGIE North America. “Walmart’s leadership in promoting sustainability and reducing its carbon footprint sets an innovative and industry leading example. We are proud to be supporting the path to a carbon neutral future together and to spark collective climate action and drive environmental sustainability.” 

ENGIE’s ambition is to accelerate the transition toward a carbon-neutral world. With nearly 2 GW of additional capacities added to the United States in 2020, we now have more than 3 GW of renewable generation capacity in North America and more than 10 GW of additional renewable energy projects currently under way. This acceleration in the development of renewables contributes to our mission to connect society and companies to clean, affordable, innovative, and resilient energy generation and the infrastructure to support it. 


*Mark Vanderhelm, Vice President of Energy and Facilities for Walmart Inc. recently posted a news article that further describes their collaboration with ENGIE North America and Walmart’s bigger journey to being a regenerative company with zero own emissions by 2040. Find out more on Walmart’s website

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